Understand the concept of steady current.
Describe some sources of current.
Recognize effects of current.
Understand and describe Ohm's law.
Sketch and explain the current-voltage characteristics of a metallic conductor at constant temperature, diode and filament lamp.
Understand resistivity and explain its dependence temperature.
Understand and and elaborate conductance and conductivity of conductor.
Solve problems relating the variation of resistance with temperature for one dimension current flow.
Know the value of resistance by reading co-lour code on it.
Know the working and use of rheostat in the potential divider circuit.
Describe the characteristic the of thermistor.
Use the energy considerations to distinguish between emf and p.d.
Understand the internal resistance of sources and its consequence for external circuits.
Describe the conditions for maximum power transfer.
Know and use the application of Kirchhoff's first law conservation of charge.
Know and use the application of Kirchhoff's second law as conservation of energy.
Describe the function of Wheatstone Bridge to measure the unknown resistance.
Describe the function of potentiometer to measure and compare potential without drawing any current from the circuit.